Product Portfolio

Products we offer our clientele include

Product Portfolio

Equity Funds

Investments in a diversified portfolio of stocks from various sectors, aimed at long-term capital growth. It is tailored to individual 

Fixed Income Funds

Investments in government bonds, corporate bonds, and other fixed-income securities to provide steady income. Best suited for 

Real Estate Funds

Investments in real estate properties and projects, offering opportunities for capital appreciation and rental income. They

Mutual Funds

A collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. Suitable for individual investors 

Private Equity

Investments in privately held companies with potential for significant growth, often involving active management

Wealth Management Services

Comprehensive financial planning and investment management services tailored to meet the unique needs of affluent clients 

Ethical and ESG Funds

Investment funds focused on companies with strong environmental, social, and governance practices. Best suited to investors who 

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Let us help you! Call Now : +234701 -097-0192
·  Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00


  • We are an investment company. We buy, sell, deal, hold, invest, disinvest, exchange, and surrender stocks, shares, securities, scripts, debt instruments, bonds, debentures, policies, book debts, claims and commercial papers, government or commercial security, and any other financial investments of any company, banks, and institutions whether in Nigeria or abroad.
  • We act as financial and management consultants advising clients on capital investments into stocks, debentures, and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, cooperation, or undertaking.
  • We enter agreements to share profits, unions of interest, cooperation, joint venture reciprocal concession agency, lend money, guarantee contracts, acquire assets, and sell holds and reissue, with or without guarantees with any person or institution.
  • We establish, promote, and manage all types of mutual funds whether open-ended, close-ended, or other schemes in Nigeria or abroad, as approved by the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • We provide financial risk assessments, payroll administration, wealth creation and portfolio management, business re-organization and liquidation, financial and management analysis, due diligence, and compliance reports.
  • We purchase, resell, and lease real estate and other assets in fulfillment of our mandate as an investment company.